

In 1986, while still a nurse working in the NHS and studying for her homeopathic qualification, Madeleine Grove was among the first to work at the now world-renowned Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Helios is unique in its requirement that qualified consultants make by hand and prescribe remedies over the counter. 

Later, Madeleine helped co-found the clinic side of the business and began to practice there herself. Immediately she encountered a vast array of skin problems and started to search for a topical treatment that would bring soothing relief to the skin while the homeopathic medicines did their work, and which would be quickly effective without suppressing the condition.

Failing to find a product that matched these requirements Madeleine gradually developed her own personal recipe, experimenting with different combinations of herbal tinctures and homeopathic potencies to produce the best possible results for her patients' skin.

She began to prescribe this product under the most obvious title: Madeleine's Cream.

Madeleine's patients were soon asking for repeat prescriptions, and before long people she had never met began to arrive at Helios asking to buy a pot of the wonderfully beneficial skin cream they had heard so much about. 

Such was the demand that the pharmacy took the step of ordering the product as stock: Madeleine's Cream would appear on the shelves ready for the increasing numbers of people grateful for its fast-acting, sustainable benefits.

From there it was a small step to making the cream available at Madeleine's other clinics, both locally and in London, and in local health food outlets. Sales have been growing steadily ever since.